Since 2015, our church has participated in an annual mission trip to Romania with several of us flying out to Bod each summer to support our partner church in their discipleship and outreach activities.
Given the current circumstances this year, we were understandably unable to travel in person to visit our beloved brothers and sisters in Romania. However, God is faithful and provided us with a means to connect with the church remotely! After lots of prayer and planning, 10th to 14th August 2020 became our virtual mission week. This involved daily English, music, cookery, art and even PE(!) lessons as well as discipleship sessions related to different topics such as supporting one another in faith, relationships and career ambitions.
We definitely saw God move during the week and with great humour, He even provided us (in London) with 30°C heat and super ripe watermelons – the normal setting for our mission abroad!
Here are some reflections from those who joined the mission:
How did you feel before the virtual mission? What were your expectations?
“I didn’t really know what to expect! It was the first time we had ever done something like this as a church. A bit nervous having to lead sessions online but trusted that God was with us!” - May Yan
“I was excited to participate in the virtual mission and looked forward to seeing what God would do. Although we couldn't be with the kids physically, I know that God is not limited virtually, unlike us!” - Fiona
“Whilst a good opportunity to catch up with the kids, I thought the virtual aspect would hinder our interaction with them.” - Joel
“I was intrigued as to what God would do - virtually! I remember that we were praying for God to move beyond our expectations and beyond the limits of Zoom.”
- Victoria
“We were looking forward to the week ahead as we have never participated in something like this before and just knowing that we were going to be a part of it was exciting. We were also nervous, as we did not know how it was going to turn out because we have very little experience in leading sessions.” - Alex, Lilian, Toby
What were some memorable moments from the week?
“At the end of the week, when we had the opportunity to give an encouragement and speak into the lives of each teenager.” - Kenton
“I enjoyed leading the session in PE because the kids seemed to be enjoying the activities and it was also a bit of a laugh for us as they were very creative in their ideas.” - Toby
“Seeing the youth again and how much they've grown in their personal journeys with Jesus! It's been amazing to see God's faithfulness in this and His blessings on the church in Bod. The week was definitely packed with so many memories and I enjoyed the time catching up with the kids during the English, cookery and discipleship sessions.” - Fiona
“My most memorable moment of the week was just to see the teens in Bod again. That first time seeing all of them in the church was an incredible moment. Even though we were at home, I started to feel like we were actually there. My concerns of not being able to bond and have discussions over a Zoom call were removed after hearing about all the conversations that were occurring in the evening discipleship sessions. That is how I saw God working during our mission trip. That even though we were viewing each other through a computer screen, we felt connected to one another. At the end of the virtual mission trip, no one wanted to close down Zoom.” - Mark
“I give thanks to all the prayers sown in before this virtual mission. I could feel God's presence with us throughout the week. It was amazing how 13 of the teenagers managed to maintain their concentration over the 2 hour painting session, and to see how much they all enjoyed the task.” - Winnie
How has this mission impacted you?
“This has shown me that anyone can get involved in mission. There are many people who can't travel for mission or who just can't take the time off. Virtual mission has removed these barriers. Now instead of a handful of people, a whole church can get involved, all working together to teach and disciple.” - Mark
“This virtual mission was an experience that we will not forget. It has helped us grow in confidence and in our walk with God. Getting to know new Christians outside the country was something new to us and it was a great opportunity to share the Gospel, listen to each other’s experiences and encourage one another on our journey with God.” - Alex, Lilian, Toby
“Through this mission, God reminded me that He is faithful - faithful to multiply our very small offerings in ways that are seen and unseen. It was great to see everyone coming together as one body to share their unique gifts and talents to serve the church in Romania and it definitely encourages me to keep on serving in this way.”
- Victoria
“It has made me reflect on how I can use my faith to meet, encourage and support others without being physically present. The mission trip has validated my desire to nurture the younger generation and think about what else I can do for them.” - Chloe
“It was a great reminder that nothing is impossible with God. In fact, completing our first ever virtual mission has given us a willingness to stay connected and invest in these young disciples beyond a yearly week-long programme. Watch this space!”
- Louise
We would also like to shout out a huge thank you to the servant-hearted church leaders and volunteers, without whom this mission week would not have gone ahead. Please do join us in praying for this ministry and for the subsequent mission days which will take place monthly with our brothers and sisters in Bod. May God use His church for His glory.