We believe in the spiritual discipline of tithes and offering. As a church, we give because of the grace and generosity God has given us.

You can give in one of two ways:

Givt App

Givt App

Standing Order

Standing Order


Give via the Givt App

Our church uses Givt as a way of giving to the collection. Givt is an app that allows you to participate in the collection anytime and anywhere. Watch the video below to find out more or download now. Open the app, choose how much you want to give, choose how you want to give and you’re done!


You can give by scanning the QR code below or by searching “Salvation Church (Bank)” from the list.

QR (only code).png

Give by bank transfer or set up a standing order

To give by bank transfer or set up a standing order, log in to your online banking or visit your local branch and use the account details below:


Account Number: 00921502

Sort Code: 30-91-87

IBAN: GB57 LOYD 3091 8700 9215 02

Reference: Offering - first name, last name

For UK taxpayers, we are able to reclaim 25p for every £1 given, at no extra cost to you. To allow us to claim Gift Aid on your behalf, please fill in this Gift Aid Declaration Form, and email it to us.