Lockdown Experience: Trusting in God


God speaks to us in different ways. For me, it is often through the Bible; I tend to find that what I'm reading resonates with what I’m going through at a particular time. God’s Word is truly alive (Hebrews 4:12) and useful for application in our lives (2 Timothy 3:16)! There are times, however, that He speaks to me through a physical experience that has a spiritual lesson.

Whilst out jogging recently, one wrong turning caused me to run significantly longer than I had anticipated and much further from home than I wanted! I had no phone to call for help or check my location; tools that I would have ordinarily turned to without a second thought. Only then did I turn to God. The most important lesson I learnt was to seek Him for guidance first.

The current Covid-19 crisis has stripped us of many of the things we take for granted. It makes us ponder where we can place our trust. For me, my faith in Jesus is important now more than ever. In a time when things that used to be certain are no longer, I can trust that God alone knows my future and has the best one in store for me no matter what life brings.