During this current pandemic, God revealed to me a vision of what is happening in this season. We may never know the reason for the suffering, but I believe one purpose God has allowed this difficult time to happen is to bring attention to the world and us as the Church. It has occurred at a time where technology is widely accessible and remaining connected with others (even during lockdown) is relatively easy. By His grace, the Church will not only endure, but be transformed and fruitful. The vision God revealed to me was a transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly. I pray that God will bless you as you read on and that it provides clarity as to the time we are living in.
Caterpillar Season
The caterpillar in the vision represents the old way of doing things. Although with good intentions, this could be anything we have placed a disproportionate amount of time and energy on to ensure the smooth operation of church activities each week rather than focusing on worshipping God.
Chrysalis Season
In a similar way that a caterpillar transforms into a butterfly in a chrysalis, so God is transforming us for the next season to emerge with a renewed heavenly vision. This pandemic has stripped us of many things we took for granted, including those we perhaps thought indispensable in church. Since we are now unable to gather physically, God is transforming our mindset to focus on sharing the gospel, building relationships and making disciples for Jesus - beyond physical church walls. In this transformational period, God is refining us so we can be ready for the harvest in the next season.
God is renewing our hearts and minds, to be aligned with His. This means to be Christ-like and to live out God’s will in our lives (Romans 12:2), to put on the new self in Christ Jesus, and leave the old one behind (Ephesian 4:22-24) and to fix our heart on the things above, not on earthly things (Colossians 3:1-4).
God is challenging us to stay true to His Word (Hebrews 4:12-13); to obey Jesus and how this was lived out by His first disciples (Acts 2:42-47).
God is preparing His people for the new season of harvest and for the end time challenges with the armour of God (Epheisans 6:10-18). He is pruning us to be more effective and fruitful in making disciples (John 15:2).
God is revealing to us a new way of reaching out to the lost to fulfil The Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20).
This period of self-isolation provides us all with an opportunity to reflect on our own lives and humbly come before our Creator. Now is the time for the Church to align our plans with God’s will and be led by the Holy Spirit, not our fleshly desires!
Butterfly Season
This is the phase when a caterpillar has finally transformed and is ready to come out of the chrysalis as a butterfly. The transformed body allows the butterfly to fly and see things more clearly from a new higher perspective. It is able to reach further and take on new ground; to fulfil its purpose in a new season. Also, with the extraordinary form and colours of the butterfly, it is very hard not to take notice.
Similarly, God is about to bring forth a new season for the Church to take hold of. He will bring a fresh anointing and favour to those who obey His Word and live by faith. The Church will radiate God's glory with a clear vision and heavenly perspective, proclaiming the truth and reaching the unreached with the gospel message. By the tremendous power of the Holy Spirit, great signs, miracles and wonders will accompany His disciples. We are going to see breakthrough in new territories, in the name of Jesus.
Brothers and sisters, let's be patient in this season of transformation and rejoice in the Lord always, praying and giving thanks in all circumstances (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).