Jesus is my passion!


If you asked me what I enjoy doing, I could give you an array of answers, depending on my mood - travelling, reading, running, baking, eating...the list goes on. But then if you were to ask me what (or who!) I am passionate about, there would be only one answer. His name is Jesus. God in His grace has provided me the opportunity to share about my faith and I'll share a short snippet here*. My relationship and faith in Jesus permeates every area of my being, ultimately guiding the decisions that I make and the direction of my life.

The reason Jesus is my passion is because I've come to realise that He gives me a purpose and identity, and a reason to be thankful and count my blessings each day. Wherever I travel around the world, I find family, that is the church; brothers and sisters where I find acceptance and a common goal, as we stand together in unity forming the Body of Christ. Knowing Jesus gives me a love for people that extends beyond myself. He gives me the strength and patience to volunteer and tirelessly serve others. The desire to travel many hours (via train, plane and minibus) to partner with a church in a remote village in Romania four so far (which has been surpassed by a number of brothers and sisters in the church, in even harsher weather conditions!).

Jesus provides me with hope in an uncertain future, joy beyond circumstances and a peace that transcends all understanding. He is the anchor in my marriage and in who I find contentment in my life. For me, I consider a passion something that is constant throughout many seasons in life. That's why Jesus is my passion and specifically who I am passionate about. *If you'd like to hear more, let's speak! There's so much more to God's story in my life.